Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Plue Crochet Pattern (untested)

So a while ago I made this Plue, and I tried to write down the pattern for him as I went.  Unfortunately I haven't gone back to verify the pattern (and there are a few problem spots), but if you'd like to give it a try then go for it!  I also currently don't have him with me right now so I have no idea how big he is... probably around 10" or so? Disclaimer: That could be way off.

Things you'll need: 3.50 mm hook (or whatever... it's a stuffed animal, gauge doesn't matter!), worsted weight yarn (white and orange), stuffing!

** everything's worked in spiral rounds **

Round 1: sc 2, 6 sc in 2nd chain from hook, place marker
2: 2 sc in each sc around [12]
3: (sc 1, 2 sc in next sc) around [18]
4: (sc 2, 2 sc in next sc) around [24]
5: (sc 3, 2 sc in next sc) around [30]
6: (sc 4, 2 sc in next sc) around [36]
7: (sc 5, 2 sc in next sc) around [42]
8: (sc 5, 2 sc in next sc) around [48]
9: (sc 7, 2 sc in next sc) around [54]
10: (sc 8, 2 sc in next sc) around [60]
11-20: sc in each sc around
21: (sc 8, dec) around [54]
22: (sc 7, dec) around [48]
23: (sc 6, dec) around [42]
24: (sc 5, dec) around [36]
25: (sc 4, dec) around [30]
*you can sew the eyes on somewhere around here if you like having your eyes on before you stuff.
*begin stuffing
26: (sc 3, dec) around [24]
27: (sc 2, dec) around [18]
28: (sc 1, dec) around [12]
*finish stuffing
29: dec around [6]
*finish off and sew the hole closed, hide tail

Row 1: ch 6, turn, sc in next 5 sc, 4 sc in next sc, sc5 in back loops of original chain, sc 2 in next sc, ch 1 and join with slip stitch  to first sc and place marker [18]
Round 2: 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 7 sc, 2 sc in next 2 sc, sc in next 7 sc, 2 sc in next sc [22]
3: 2 sc in next 2 sc, sc in next 7 sc, 2 sc in next 4 sc, sc in next 9 sc [32] *this is right, but 1 and 2 may be wrong
4-12: sc in each sc around
13: dec, sc 14, dec, sc 14 [30]
14: dec, sc 12, dec, sc 12 [26]
15: dec, sc 10, dec, sc 10 [22]
*finish off, leaving long tail for sewing onto head

Arms: (make 2)
Round 1: sc 2, 5 sc in second chain from hook
2: 2 sc in each sc around [12]
3: (sc 1, 2 sc in next sc) around [18]
4: (sc 2, 2 sc in next sc) around [24]
5-6: sc in each sc around
7: (sc 2, dec) around [18]
8: (sc 1, dec) around [12]
9-17: sc in each sc around
*stuff the paw/hand and arm as you go, otherwise it gets hard to mash the stuffing in
18: chain 1, turn, sc in next 8 sc
19: chain 1, turn, skip 1st sc, sc in next 6 sc
20: ch 1, turn, skip 1st sc, sc in next 4
*finish stuffing
21: flatten arm so that tip makes a triangle shape, working in both loops of both sides, sc down the diagonal to close the opening
*finish off, leaving a long tail to attach to body

Legs: (make 2)
Row 1: ch 6, 5sc in back ridge [5]
2: ch 1, turn, sc in 1st 4 sc, 3 sc in last sc; working in free loops of beginning chain, skip 1st ch, sc in last 4 [11]
3: turn, slip st in first 2 sc, sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next 3 sc, 3 sc, 3 slip stitch [16]
4: turn, slip st in first 2 st, sc 3, 2 sc in next 4 sc, sc 3, 3 slip st [19]
5: turn, slip st in first 4 st, sc 3, 2 sc in next 4 sc, sc 3, 4 slip st, 4 sc across back (place marker but do not join) [26]
Round 6: sc in first 9 sc, 2sc in next sc, sc 2, 2 sc in next sc, sc 13 [28]
7: skipping first slip st, sc around [28]
8: sc in next 9 sc, dec, sc 4, dec, sc around [26]
9: sc 7, dec 5, sc around [21] (or maybe: 9: sc 7, dec 5, sc 4, dec, sc around [20]) * something's wrong with this row, you should end up with 20 stitches
10: sc 4, dec 5, sc 4, dec [14] *14 is definitely correct here
*now would be a good time to stuff the foot
11: sc 4, dec 3, sc around [11]
12-14: sc around [11]
15: 2 sc in first 2 sc, sc around [13]
16-18: sc in each sc around
*finish stuffing leg
19: flatten the top of the leg, then working in both loops of both sides sc across top to close opening, leave a long tail for sewing

Round 1: ch 2, 6 sc in 2nd chain from hook
2: (sc 2, 2 sc in next sc) around [10]
3: sc around
4: (sc 3, 2 sc in next sc) around [12]
5: sc around
6: (sc 4, 2 sc in next sc) around [14]
7: sc around
8: (sc 5, 2 sc in next sc) around [16]
9: sc around
10: (sc 6, 2 sc in next sc) around [18]
11-14: sc around
*finish off and stuff, leaving a long tail for sewing

Tail: (not shown in picture)
** Actually I lied earlier, this one's worked in rows **
Row 1: chain 3, turn, skip first ch, sc in next 2 ch
2-5: ch 1, turn, sc 2
Finish off and leave a tail for sewing

Body part placement should be pretty obvious… I’d sew the arms on the body before sewing the body to the head, though.  I sewed the body on round, but I attached the arms and legs by flattening them where I sewed them on so they're floppy.  Also, I used embroidery floss for his eyebrows and just regular worsted weight yarn for his eyes.

The end!

If you manage to figure out where I messed up, message me on Ravelry (undeadmonkey15)! Or just say hi, that's cool too. =)

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